
Friday, November 27, 2009

Charging Board to School Leavers (or kids still at home)

(Reposted from other blog)
Sitting in the car, whilst Miss17 almost 18 drives me home, (she is on L Plates) School has now finished, last exam was mid-November. We were discussing what her movements would be until the exam results came in and between university.

Response went something along the lines, dunno, I suppose I could find something that’ll get me $100.00 a week. I said what? - $100.00, are you planning on allowing someone to pay you $20.00 a day?

Oh, I’m not going to work full-time. No-one else is. My response to this was, remember once the exam results come in – you are expected to pay board of $50.00 a week.

That’s not fair, I don’t have a job, I said that’s why you have to get a job, $50.00 is nothing. Her response – I can live in a flat for that.

Excuse me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - $50.00 a week won’t even pay your telephone bill. Rent (Cheap) $120.00 per week, Food $100-$50.00 per week, electricity $50.00 per week, buying your fridge and washing machine and don’t forget your bed etc.

Oh……………………….. is it THAT much?

The head was returned to the shoulders and nothing else has been said, but come the 19th December, a bill of $50.00 has to be paid. It is now in her hands as to how that money is generated and the funds paid.

I’m not the only parent having this conversation, friends of ours, waited until their son finished university before they decided to charge board. He kicked up at the $50.00, same argument, same results.

When will kids learn, that nothing is for nothing and ‘digs’ like the parents are even more expensive if you want to move out.

How many rentals have someone to do the washing, cooking, cleaning AND pay the bills on time?
No commercial properties that I am aware of!

Remember the responsibility of board is a learning experience, so charge the kids and put the money aside for a house deposit or similar in later life. But charge them on principle, it teaches them another life lesson!


  1. Perhaps she could've been prepared better by schools and adults around her? :) From nothing to being expected to know how much stuff costs, it's a big leap.

    why not spend some time working through a budget with her - show her your household one for a start? Not in a "see, told ya so" way, but in a "this is part of the criteria you need to meet to move out one day".

    I remember when I had to leave home for Uni - totally unprepared. No realistic expectations for how much things cost. But how could I have?

    I think we are too quick to blame the kids - it would be nice for schools to run a budget class in their last year maybe? Or is that too practical for 'em? :)

    Please remember she's under enormous stress - whether she's showing it or not. From the secluded nest into the big wide world. It's more stressful than changing jobs or moving house, at least we adults have done that before. From pocket money, to earning money, with no life skills and no life experience to fall back on.

    I wouldn't be a teenager again for quids.

  2. Thank-you for the comment!

    Too much emphasis is placed on schools to do the jobs of parents these days. It is not the schools responsibility to tell them/teach them how to manage money - that is the parents’ responsibility.

    For the past 18months, my darling daughter has been receiving funds for jobs completed, is paying off a car, (which in reality, although we commit 50% it’s really 100%) as the funds are coming from us.

    She has been wholly responsible for all casual clothes buying and non-school related expenses for the past 18months.

    She has no self-control and by the end of the week, no matter how much WAS in the bank account on Monday, there is $0.05 cents there on Friday!

    For months, we have tried to establish a savings routine, she refuses to oblige. She is a young adult, albeit VERY young, but we have tried nice love, now it is tough love time.

    There is only so many times you can repeat yourself before you get sick of hearing yourself.
