
Tuesday, September 22, 2009


(Reposted from other Blog)

Waiting – it is something we do every day. Sometimes for big things, sometimes for small things.

Some people are excited when they wait – they are waiting for the birth of a child, notice that they have been successful with the job application. This type of waiting we love.

Some people are sad when they wait – they are waiting for the time to say goodbye to a loved one, be it human or animal. – This type of waiting we all wish we didn’t have to endure

Some people are anxious when they wait – they are waiting to see how they went in the school exams, they are waiting for test results from a medical test. – This type of waiting we all endure and we rejoice when the news is good and cry when the news is bad.

Some people wait for the pain to go – sometimes this pain is physical sometimes this pain is mental. Physical pain will almost always go away either with time or medication. Mental pain is something that has to be dealt with on a personal level and some people never recover.

Today I am waiting – I am waiting for the pain to be alleviated with medication. I am lucky – my pain can be eased, sometimes even removed, albeit temporarily.

You know somebody in every category from the above. If someone is suffering and it doesn’t matter which type of pain. Say "Are you okay?". It’s three words, they don't cost anything and many people in their rush to get to work, or home or to that very important dinner date, forget the value of the spoken word. It doesn’t cost a cent and yet means so much more.

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