
Saturday, October 10, 2009

Kids and the internet

We’ve heard it all before – put the computer in the main part of the house, monitor the time the kids spend on the computer. Discuss with them all aspects of cyber-bullying.

The government some time ago – supported a program called K9 – now what is K9 you ask? It is a program that allows you to monitor what your children are doing, where they are going and what times they can access the internet and what they can access.
K9 web protection as it is called can be located here -
I have used K9 and I can recommend K9. Once the program has been trained it is an excellent nanny – regardless of where the computer is located. It barks when something is accessed that is not permitted. It blocks access to the internet when directed to do so.
Overall it is a good simple program that is understandable and easy to use.
This doesn’t mean that your job as a parent now ceases, it is a tool ,that enables you to be a ‘better’ parent. So that you can have a shower and not wonder if the kids are checking out the ‘biggest willie’ site or similar.

You can access the program directly and check where the children have been.
The only thing that you are not warned about – make sure that email address used to join is not accessible by the people you are trying to monitor – That is the only warning NOT issued and perhaps should be.
I have used K9 and can recommend it as a tool – remember it does not replace real parenting, it will not stop cyber-bullying – but it may help assist you with these problems.
Good luck and best wishes! – Kids will be kids – but with you as a parent – I am sure they are better for it.

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